melancholy - final major project (college 2022)
This short film is my final major project of year 2 at Canterbury College. It's about struggling with mental health and depression specifically, which includes suicidal thoughts. It interests me a lot as I have my personal struggles with it, which further emphasises the knowledge and feelings that I have shown in this short film. I want people to become more comfortable talking about this topic, and how it affects nearly everyone differently.
Music: Bowery Electric- Empty Words
video self portrait (2023)
covid-19 - short film (2021)
The idea for my final major project came after going back to college in March after both lockdowns, it inspired me to describe visually what has happened in the past year and how it's impacted all of us. It’s a short film/ documentary on the realities of Covid and how it affected the general public and how it will make us think in the future. I wanted to create something hard-hitting but also visually pleasing and informational. Creating this short film has been very beneficial for me as a film student as I’ve gained more experience and knowledge, also realising what my strengths and weaknesses are, not necessarily in camera work, but planning and gathering ideas then putting them all together.
home - short film project (2021)
This short film is about my feelings on the idea of 'home'. My plan was to treat it more like a documentary/ non-fiction as I want it to be as real as possible, and show as many emotions and feelings as possible, and use different locations and shots to show how other people view home as well as me, since Covid as it has impacted a lot of things. Also on how I view home recently or in general, as a boring and empty place but somewhere I feel the safest. My main priority is that everyone understands what message I’m trying to get across, by using different composition techniques along with other things, and my knowledge of this. Music- Rotten Apple by Alice In Chains